Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Steve Williams went too far

Rory McIlroy has waded into the Steve Williams-Tiger Woods controversy, suggesting the caddie "maybe went a little far" in his comments following Adam Scott's victory at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational.

Scott produced a flawless final round to secure a four-stroke success, giving his new partnership with caddie Williams the ideal start. Williams was sacked by Woods in July, ending an association that yielded 13 major wins.

Williams, who may like Taylormade burner 2.0 Irons, was clearly still smarting in the immediate aftermath of Scott's win at Firestone as he said the win was "the greatest week of my life as a caddie."

The New Zealander has been accused of taking the spotlight away from Scott and McIlroy feels Williams may have overstepped the mark.

McIlroy, speaking on the Golf Channel ahead of this week's USPGA Championship in Atlanta, said: "You say things in the heat of the moment - Stevie maybe went a little far.

"I definitely think it took away from Adam's win. It was a phenomenal win - he played unbelievable all week.

"Adam's the one hitting the shots. Stevie's obviously had a good influence on him the last four weeks or whatever it is, but Adam's the one who ultimately gets the ball in the hole.

"A caddie is very important at times, but you can't take anything away from what Adam did."

McIlroy also confirmed during the interview that he will be taking up PGA Tour membership again next season. He also revealed he has struggled to adapt to life in the spotlight following his stunning win at the US Open.

McIlroy, who may like the TaylorMade R11 irons, catapulted himself into the realms of superstardom with his win at Congressional and has had to hire a team of bodyguards to patrol his home in Northern Ireland.

The 22-year-old has been taken aback by the level of interest and although admitting he is happy to be in the public eye, he has found it difficult to cope.

"When you grow up and dream of winning majors, all you think about is the golf and playing in front of big crowds on unbelievable courses and winning trophies," he said. "But people driving on your driveway and other stuff like that? You never think about that other side of it and that is the bit that takes a bit of getting used to.

"I didn't expect that, and it isn't very nice. I've had security guards at my house every night since I won the US Open. It is something I had to put in place, I'm afraid. It's tough, but it is just the world we live in, unfortunately."

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